web design

1. Coding without a plan

plan a Web site building

-Why you need this website?

-What is the purpose?

-What you are hoping to achieve upfront ?

If you’re building a website to include in your technical portfolio, you should read job postings related to your desired role  that will give you a sense of which languages and frameworks you should focus on.

Once you’ve identified your site’s purpose, next step is to write your plans out on paper.Create a wireframe that illustrates your site’s layout, including where your text, images, and components will go. Your goal in this stage is to figure out your MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is essentially a version of your product that can be achieved with much less effort than the ideal state you have in mind.

“After setting that goal, you can iterate upon it and build other features after the fact instead of trying to build Rome in a day. “Even final products need iterations and other corrections — it’s a continuous process.”

2. Leaving vulnerabilities open

To start, one recommends utilizing HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). This internet communication protocol encrypts data sent between servers and browsers and helps ward off man-in-the-middle cyber attacks.

Next, you’ll also want to make sure all your code (including your widgets and plugins) is up to date. When discovered, these vulnerabilities are quickly resolved with updates. That’s why keeping your code current helps prevent potential security risks before they happen.

One also notes that some web hosting providers offer security measures, like Cloudflare, which prevents suspicious IP addresses from accessing your site. 

3. Missing accessibility features

Accessibility features and practices are a must because they help provide an equal experience for all users.

How well does your site accommodate users with sensory, mobility, or cognitive impairments? Can your HTML be read by screen readers? Does your video content include captions? What about your icons — are they crammed together or spaced far enough apart?

Implementing accessibility features helps broaden your potential user base — plus, it’s the right thing to do. It’s also legally mandated (in the U.S.), thanks to the Americans With Disabilities Act.

4. Overlooking user data

User data holds a treasure trove of valuable information that can help you find problem areas and potential improvements to your site.

“Using that info can be really helpful. If something is really popular, you might want to spruce it up with extra resources.” Seeing how real people use your website can also help you uncover bugs that you missed while you were coding it.

Moral of the story? Data analytics can give you more insight into your users. Tools like Google Analytics can provide insights into your user demographics. With this info, you can better cater to your current audience — or even switch up your site to appeal to other demographics.

5. Forgetting about mobile performance

Studies show that 54% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, so if your website isn’t responsive on a phone, tablet, or e-reader, you’re setting up a huge chunk of users for a wonky experience.

Each of these devices has different sizes and dimensions, so your site needs to be able to adjust to the environment and provide a consistent experience.

But it’s not just fonts and styles. You’ll also want to ensure your website’s functionality remains consistent across devices. For example, you can’t hover a cursor on mobile devices, so how will that affect a user’s experience? Plus, mobile functionality plays a big role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), so adding responsiveness to your website can help you rank better in search engines and generate more traffic (if that’s your goal).


In fact, Google found that 90% of users will leave a page after only 5 seconds — and who can blame them? Speedy load times are basically the norm these days.

So what do you do?

First, check your website’s loading speed using tools like Sitechecker or GTmetrix. If the load time is too high, there are a couple steps you can take to help bring it down — for example, utilizing cachingoptimizing images on your site, and trimming down your code to remove any unnecessary bits (the same goes for your plugins).

One also recommends using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks). CDNs help reduce loading speeds by storing your web assets in servers around the world. 

source :

6 Common Mistakes To Avoid While Building a Website https://www.codecademy.com/resources/blog/mistakes-to-avoid-while-building-a-website/


Back to the basics

When someone begins to study networking, they’re challenged with knowing where to start. This is due to the wide spectrum of technologies falling under the umbrella of networking. KOIDA training course provides an overview of the foundational topics any networking professional should know, as well as an introduction to emerging technologies.

Instructor Ted Kim and Peter Hwang delves into the purpose of networks, as well as how networking technologies benefit us in both our personal and business lives. They covers network addresses, including the structures of Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 and version 6 addresses.

Plus, learn about switches, routers, fiber-optic cabling, and other essential pieces and parts that make networks work; the OSI model; common network services; wireless networks; and more.. 

Continue reading “Networking Foundations – Basics”

Plan Your Content


If you’re considering adding a blog to your site, you’ll want to have a plan beforehand. Planning your blog will help your subject matter remain consistent over time. It’ll also help you determine whether or not there’s enough material to maintain a steady stream of posts.

One pitfall many new bloggers run into is starting a blog that isn’t posted to frequently enough. A shortage of recent posts can give your visitors a bad impression of your business. One may think “I wonder if they’re still in business” or “they may want to hire a writer.”

A blog, like any other customer facing aspect of your business, communicates your brand. If it isn’t maintained and given proper attention, people will notice. Post regularly and keep your content fresh. Give your audience a reason to visit often.

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Categories and Tags


If you write about a variety of subjects, categories can help your readers find the posts that are most relevant to them. For instance, if you run a consulting business, you may want some of your posts to reflect work you’ve done with previous clients, while having other posts act as informational resources. In this particular case, you can set up 2 categories: one labeled Projects and another labeled Resources. You’d then place your posts in their respective categories.

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Pages vs. Posts


If you’re new to WordPress you may be wondering what’s the big deal behind Pages and Posts. At first glance they appear to be one and the same: if you were to create either a new page or a new post you’d be presented with nearly identical interfaces and in many cases the public appearance of pages and posts will look the same.

Don’t let this fool you. There’s a very fundamental difference between the two and that difference is what makes CMSs, like WordPress, great platforms for integrating blogs with traditional websites.


Think about the kind of pages that make up a typical website. Most often you’ll see pages like “Home”, “About Us”, “Services”, “Contact Us”, etc. Within WordPress these are often treated as Pages; documents that have no particular regard for the time they were posted.

For example, when you visit the “About Us” page of your favorite company’s website you don’t expect the content to be very different from what was available there a week ago.

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